Speak Out

It’s time for you to join the team and get into the game. Chose an issue that you are passionate about–or create one under Other Issues–and share that passion (but keep it clean—off-color posts will be moderated/edited).

The book Fair Pay – Fair Play: Getting the Pro-Team Sports We Want at Prices We Can Afford focuses on pro-team sports, but many of the same abuses occur in major college sports and for the same reason—the college team is My College Team. So, you can also speak out on the college issues listed or create one under Other Issues.

In addition to commenting on one or more of the listed issues, post a comment under They Are a Monopoly (The Team is My Team) and They Are a Monopoly (The College Team is My College Team).

Looking to see what others have to say?

You can find the issues that matter most to you by searching for teams, players, and keywords.