Sports Streaming: More $$ for Them, Higher Costs and More Frustration for Us

As discussed in Fair Pay–Fair Play: Getting the Pro-Team Sports We Want at Prices We Can Afford, free-market competition forces businesses to put us first.Laura Dressman, spokeswoman for Procter & Gamble’s Family Care division, explained why the company makes so many roll sizes of Charmin Ultra Soft toilet paper— Big, Large, Double, Family, Giant, Jumbo,Continue reading “Sports Streaming: More $$ for Them, Higher Costs and More Frustration for Us”

They Are a Monopoly (The Team Is My Team)

From Fair Pay, Fair Play pages 75 and 121-123. In Fair Pay, Fair Play: Getting the Pro-Team Sports We Want at Prices We Can Afford, the pro-teams sports and leagues are described as monopolies (monopoly My Teams operating within a cartel league). This is how our government describes monopoly (and monopoly power). The Department ofContinue reading “They Are a Monopoly (The Team Is My Team)”

The Regulation Option—College

From Fair Pay, Fair Play pages 125-131 Our society’s preferred option to assure businesses serve us with the right product at the right price is free market competition. When that option isn’t available, we have to look at the other options–to regulate or to own and operate. In the 1990s, the federal government regulated cableContinue reading “The Regulation Option—College”

College “Free Agency”

From Fair Pay, Fair Play pages 52-75. The book, Fair Pay, Fair Play: Getting the Pro-Team Sports We Want at Prices We Can Afford, discusses pro-team sports player and owner free agency; how the lack of accountability for team results allows them to do what’s right for them even if it may be wrong forContinue reading “College “Free Agency””